Saturday, April 28, 2007


This is one of our graphic design homework on April 4. We have to practiced using a software that named "Illustrator", and draw 40 patterns. It is just a small homework, but Illustrator is also a software that I had never used. I have apent much time to try how to use this software. By practicing drawing those patterns, I found that using this sofware is really fun!

On April 4, our teacher gave us a grade of this practicing homework. I got a high school. Besides, Eleano said that I must spent much time and really did a hard work. It is not a big bussiness but I feel so happy, beacause I seldom got a commendation from her. I will work hard sustainably at every project!


Anonymous said...

I like your desigh!
it looks free and happy.
go on and hang on~
you will become a master!

Anonymous said...

Drawing 40 patterns seemed to be a difficult challenge.

Yet, you've made efforts and finally accomplished it.

I'm proud of you, my dear sister~